Thursday, December 24, 2009


Hai, today I really had a bad day. I never felt so humiliated by a person that I tot like a sister to me. Mungkin dah nasib badan.... tapi nak buat macam mana ya tak? Like my hubby said, don't ever expect people to treat u nice even though u treat them nice. There're so many types of peoples out there... with high ranking ego, very humble down to earth, very easy to forgive (like me...) or hard to forgive... and macam2 laa... tapi bila difikir2kan semula apa yang terjadi or berlaku, pasti ada hikmah disebaliknya.

Actually these lessons I should remember/ locked into my mind since I was in form 5. Still remember my eldest sister 'Along' persuade me not to take serious with whatever my friends did to me. Let it be... Allah tu maha adil... dan maha mengetahui dari segalanya. Hmm... betul tu Along... and today... 24.12.09 the similar scenarios happened again. If last time Along will be the best person who lend me her shoulder to cry on... but today.... my hubby's the best person for me to cry and be tucked under his hug. Thanks sayang... i believed without your magical words.... i'm easily given up with whatever I went to...

Haa... I'm sure u guys wanted to know what exactly happened to me. Actually, if possible I wanted to tell u the whole story from a-z about my bad day. But after I think it back, it would be much better if I just keep it for myself... it's enough for me to share my problem with my hubby and my lovely niece and I need sometimes to get over it. Since I don't have the strength to tell u guys the whole story of it... may be u can help me to judge what kind of person with the below criteria..

1) Couldn't accept any excuses thru sms, u need to call personally and explain what exactly happened (credit phone pun tinggal ciput... itu pun nak kena explain ker?)

2) Couldn't even tolerate with a small matters...

3) Never ever appreciate with whatever you do...

4) Last but not least... dare to kick you out like you're a beggar... (ini yang x boleh tahan nie)

Actually the most important things that really made me sad because i knew her and pernah belajar bersama-sama dengan dia..... macam mana dia boleh tergamak buat macam nie ya??? Hmmm... what everlah.. asalkan dia bahagia.
